Wednesday, October 21, 2009

YouTube Videos

The videos I watched all had a similar themes. The first video dealt with creativity, the second with how students deal with going to school. And the third video had to do with web 2.0 and design 2.0. Each video had one thing in common; education.  Education and technology are growing at a rapid rate. In todays society the internet is being used everyday of every hour of every minute. This tells me that people are constantly collaborating with each other around the world. Web 2.0 gives individuals an opportunity to express their feelings and ideologies. 

First I would like to say creativity is a big part of our future. And that arts and music should be offered in all school districts.  It's sad to hear that school systems now in days do not encourage creativity. Although there are right ways to do things doesn't mean you always have to do it that way. Creativity brings out originality. Students with creative minds sometimes can be difficult to handle. But makes teaching the individual more interesting. Education is key to a child success in life. If we take away a kids imagination then there is nothing left for them to look forward to. 

The school systems have taken advantage of web 2.o. There are more and more students signing up for internet classes. They help students and professors who have busy lives continue education with out interruption. Web 2.0 gives its users the option to explore pretty much anything or anyone. This form of instruction is not traditional but has almost the same effects. When instruction and technology come together they can be very useful. There are many online resources to choose from. The classes are designed for its students to utilize all aspects of the internet.

This is a video about the past 100 years to present use of Instructional Technology. I thought it was interesting to see the different ways of instruction & technology used in the past. We have come such a long way since 1900 to 2009. 


  1. It's amazing to see photographs of the educational technology of the past. I remember my great-grandmother telling me stories about the one-room schoolhouse where she received much of her early education. It's crazy to realize in the span of 100 years we've gone from one-room schoolhouses to distance learning "classrooms" teaching students from all over the nation at the same time.

  2. I completely agree that the arts are very important to keep in schools. I cannot believe that schools are actually cutting those programs. It is so important for that part of the brain to be stimulated, especially at a young age, and I wish that schools would recognize that!

  3. I agree also. When I started working at a local middle school in 1992 in the front office we had one old apple computer with the big floppy disks that you had to take one out and put the other in depending on what you were doing. Now that same school has at least one computer in every classroom, an entire computer lab, a keyboarding classroom full of computers and a computer classroom full of computers. They had all that by the time I left 10 years ago so by now I'm sure it's even more impressive. Things are really changing in classroom technology.

  4. I agree, arts and creativity should be pushed and motivated, made mandatory and be part of the curriculum. I use to work at a summer camp in a low socioeconomic area, and we brought children into out high-school and let them be creative. Instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic we let these kids cook, build, record, draw and create. And once these kids where back into their normal curriculum they excelled
